Last week I visited my family in Tembisa and Ivory Park and I did some observations in the two areas.
1. Public Transport in the two areas is divided into local taxis (operates within a local jurisdiction), taxis that ferries passengers to outside Thembisa, buses and metrorail trains ( Observations were done on the first two modes and to the lesser extent on the metrorail)
2. It cost R6.00 to travel in a local taxi from anyway in Thembisa irrespective of the distance traveled.
3. Local taxis that are used to ferry passengers in both locations includes Toyota Avanzas, Toyota Condors and
Toyota Venture.
4. Taxis that ferries passengers outside the two locations are the popular Toyota taxis.
5. Despite being near the shops and new malls being developed, Leralla station lacks basic inter-modal facilities.
An opportunity exist to combine the development happening in this area with the station, however this is not being done.

6. There is a serious lack of public transport facilities along the Andrew Mapheto Dr despite the road being used by pedestrians and public transport users. The lights on the middle of the road, though are commended may not be enough provide enough light at night.

7. Just on the boarder of Ekhurhuleni and City of Johannesburg's I saw something interesting. There is
a road that runs across the two municipalities of which the Ekhurhuleni part's sidewalk is paved while CoJ's
is not. Where the sidewalk is paved, there are more economic activity (traders selling vegetables) while there
are less activities where the sidewalk is not paved.
8. Here are some photos that I took.
Pedestrian wants to cross the road/about to stop the taxi
Traders along the road where pedestrians pass
Pedestrian walking on a sidewalk
Car wash
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