Monday, November 1, 2010

Pretoria Bus Routes Maps Project not going well

Contracrary to what I promised here, I am unable to complete the project within the set time which was yesterday. I have since changed jobs and my new job is giving me a hell of a time. I simply cant find time like I used to in the last job.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Olivier said...

Hi Erick,

just discovered your blog, very valuable job! Shame for Pretoria's bus routes, but did you start mapping Joburg's bus routes?

I'm asking because I was about to start building such a map [out of frustration with the lack of one on Metrobus' website] and wouldn't like to duplicate work. Metrobus Johannesburg told me that they had maps of the network in Gandhi Square. If this is true, my intention was to work from these maps and the timetables.

I hope to be done by the end of the month. If you have any advice, I'll take it! You can reach me at:

